In funeral ceremonies, taken by the handle, it is the key to the doors of the tomb and, placed between the eyes, it is an obligation of secrecy. This Key also opens the doors of the world of the dead and penetrates the hidden meaning of eternity. It rests on the Earth, like the Sun on the horizon, when it sets or rises. Īnkh, It is formed, starting from the top, by a circle, symbol of that which has no beginning and no end, and which represents the celestial world, the spirit of Ra, the Sun God for the ancient Egyptians this circle also serves as the handle of the key, from where it is carried by the gods who carry it. There is another theory, which related the T, of the lower part of the cross, with male sexual attributes, while the upper part, the handle of the cross, the uterus or the woman’s pubis, symbolizing the reconciliation of the opposites, unity between both sexes and above all, reproduction and therefore, the cycle of life.This allows us to understand this symbol not only as a symbol of present life but also as a symbol of future life and immortality. One of the interpretations of the meaning of this symbol relates it to sexual union and therefore to fertility and life.It can also represent joy, energy, and fertility. The symbol of the Ankh has also been interpreted as a symbol of balance between opposing forces, for example, between masculinity and femininity.In this sense, it also had a certain relationship with death and the rites associated with death. Among the Egyptians, it was mainly a symbol of life or immortality.Throughout history, this symbol and its variations have been used by different cultures and religions that have given it different meanings. As is usual with many symbols of religious or spiritual origin, there is no single meaning for this symbol.This cross was also placed on the lips of dead kings, bearing in mind that according to the mentality of ancient Egypt, death did not mean the end, but was merely a transition to the afterlife, to eternal life.

By extension, this cross became primarily a symbol of life. The Egyptian cross, also known as Ankh, was originally an Egyptian hieroglyph used to represent the word “life”.The meaning of ankh and What Does It Symbolize?